I have been completely silent for the past year and a half. After the birth of my second child I took a year of maternity leave which left me out of workforce and away from what was happening in Product Management world. Pandemic also left me exhausted feeling that I need to simplify and focus […]
Author: sogolf
Leveling Up From Product Manager To Product Leader
I have previously written about why it’s so hard to jump from a senior product manager to a product leader. Here is what I wrote: The catch is you can’t advance to the next level (becoming PM lead) just by doing what you’ve done up to now in a more complex/bigger scale. As a product […]
Two great PM reads
When I talk to people who are curious to learn more about Product Management one question keeps coming up: “What are the resources to learn about Product Managment?” I have a dedicated page on what I’ve found as valuable resources for PM and I update it frequently. Recently I came across two more that I […]
Kill your darlings!
I just finished Stephen King’s superb book “On Writing”. For someone who’s not a fan of King’s horror stories I thoroughly enjoyed it and came across this quote: Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings. I later found out this is one of the most frequent […]
Making Hard Choices as a Product Manager
I was at an event where the keynote speaker told us when asked by his young daughter on what he does as a product manager, he said: “My job is to make a lot of decisions every day.” Although there are other ways to define what I do day-in and day-out, I often think back […]
What got you here won’t get you there
I want to let you in on a secret that no one warns you about: A gap on your path from a Senior Product Manager to a Product lead (or Director of Product) exists and you won’t see it coming! The story goes like this: At the beginning as an Associate/Junior Product Manager your job […]
Is It Even Possible to Focus on Anything Right Now?
I want to acknowledge the strange times we’re in. Lives around the globe has fundamentally changed since March when World Health Organization (WHO) announced COVID-19, a pneumonia-like disease attacking respiratory organs, a pandemic. Like everywhere else in the world here in Toronto, we’ve been under lock-down since mid March. Everyday routines are thrown out of […]
Review of “Shape Up” book
I enjoy reading books over blog posts and tweets because they provide more context and they can also go deeper. I recently finished reading “Shape Up” written by Ryan Singer. The book is available for free on Base Camp website and it definitely worth a read. Here is my take on it: What is Shaping […]
What I learned professionally in 2019
In 2019 I read 17 books which may not sound like much but for me it’s the highest number of books I’ve read in years (here is my “completed” books in Goodreads). In addition to an earlier post about my favorite 2019 books here are some other ones that I strongly recommend you to read: […]
Dealing with ambiguity as a Product Manager
Have you ever that overwhelming feeling when your team is waiting on you to provide perfect answers when you don’t have any? Have you been in a situation that you’re building a product based on a loose vision not knowing exactly how it’s going to look or behave? I have been in these situations many […]